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Still other Muslims believe that all instruments are allowed, provided they are used for acceptable or halal📈 types of music and are not sexually arousing or un-Islamic. Hence there is a long history of instrumental accompaniments to📈 devotional songs, particularly in the Shia and Sufi traditions.
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It is awarded when an offence punishable by a direct free kick is committed by a player🏧 in their own penalty area. The shot is taken from the penalty spot, which is 11 m (12 yards) from🏧 the goal line and centred between the touch lines.
Penalty kick (association football) - Wikipedia
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In the NFL, the ball is spotted at the 15-yard line. In college and🏧 high school, the ball is spotted at the 3-yard line. If successful, the team is awarded 1 point, referred to🏧 as an extra point. This option is almost always chosen because a two-point conversion attempt is much riskier.
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